Monday, March 31, 2014

Think Pink Tulips and Ranunculus - Flower Paintings by Nancy Medina

Think Pink Tulips
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

We've been thinking pink all week in Flower Mound Studio, and preparing for spring! Today the hubby and I planted hydrangeas and geraniums and bought two new adirondack chairs for the yard. After an hour or two of work in the studio, I noticed none of my helpers were afoot. Thinking someone was getting into trouble (you know, that moment when it's just TOO QUIET in the house?) I went outside, and all the pugs were lounging with their Papa outdoors. Clearly, what was missing from that blissful tableau was me! I gathered up my iced tea and sun hat and joined them post haste.... How fortunate I am to have pugs to show me the error of my ways every now and then.

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