Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tidepool Intrigue... Rae Andrews

Hi everyone, well I am back from all my tripping around, so happy to be back in my studio again.

It's been a very hectic and sad few months, yet another death in my family and trip to Australia , this time my mentor and dearest aged aunt, the other artist in my family passed away at the age of 91.

She was a huge influence in my art, having watched her avidly for many years as a young child.

So as with my sister's passing recently, this recent work seems to let go with color in order to deal with all things sad.

I began this pastel about a month ago, then had to break away to go back to Oz..

I used my IPad again with layers of photos one over the other and reasing parts of each layer, to finally get a design with which I was happy.

This is a small one, 11.5 x 9 .5" on smooth velour paper, unlike the napped velour I usually use.

I think I prefer the soft velour of my past pastels and the way the pastels glide on the risen nap, but this was a challenge, and I am happy for the most with it.

$350 plus S/H (unframed)

Prints of this one are also available through Fine Art America:

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