Tuesday, April 29, 2014


7x5 on Panel

After attending two fantastic workshops, I found myself without focus and momentum to work in the studio.  Each time I did (thinking "just get in there and get busy and this will pass"), my attempts to paint larger were so bad that I would end up with wipe out after wipe out.  In between these times I would paint smaller and read about art with my books and magazines and on the internet.  Although my blogging stopped I have continued to look and admire all the work on your blogs.  I've reviewed my notes from workshops and watched DVDs.  It's been a difficult time.  Thankfully, my good friend and artist Linda Reedy listened patiently with my complaints and offered good advice and a wonderful book that I am now reading and will re-read again and again.  The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is a book that speaks to every creative person that goes through a time of creative distress.  Thank you, Linda!  The last few weeks have been better and I am close to completing two large pieces.  They aren't great, but I will finish them.  I know that painting larger will continue to be a struggle for a while, but it is a goal I want to work toward.  This definitely was not an easy time and I hope I never experience such a long art slump, but now that the air is clearing and my thoughts are returning to times of less struggle I realize that this has been good for me.  I've learned more about myself (I don't think that ever stops!) and more about art.  

When an art crisis hits you, what do you do that helps pull you out?  I would love to hear from you!

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