Saturday, April 12, 2014

Horse 30 In The Pink Horse Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2014

In The Pink
9 x 12 inches Oil on Canvas.
Available Paintings by Laurie Pace 

Yes, so Lady L was visiting and we always visit the color Pink. I used the same new approach with this painting as I did the first two.  It truly is a 'freeing' feeling when working over these small canvas. Not sure how it will work on a larger horse painting.

Terry is off restriction now with his eyes. He is building square foot gardening in our back yard. We bought all the organic peat moss, organic compost and the vermiculite to fill each of the four beds with. Lady L will be over helping with the planting and hopefully later with harvesting and eating.  I am making out a list today of what we are growing.  Pumpkins are at the top of Lady's L's list. We may have to grow those at her house. I remember my mother growing watermelons in the dogrun out in the backyard when we were growing up. She had stopped using the dog run for the dogs.. .it was a wide one with a white picket type fence and inside she planted the watermelons.  Personally I love honey dew and cantaloupe too!

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. 
Galatians 3:26

#horsepainting  #lauriepaceart  #equineart

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist 


© Graphics One Design 2014

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