Friday, April 11, 2014

Horse 29 Two Together by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2014

Two Together
9 x 12 inches Oil on Canvas.
Available Paintings by Laurie Pace 

Second in the "out of the box" series still refining a different approach to the canvas and building up my determination and courage to do a very very large one soon.  Soft colors and a different palette create the textured back drop for these two pony pals standing in a field blooming with flowers.

Such gorgeous weather.. and I spent most of yesterday in bed with a kidney stone... but the best part of the day was sitting outside around six enjoying the warmer weather, and watching Terry putter around the back yard. He goes off restriction today, so I know he has many plans ahead for the day. Paddy got a haircut yesterday too.. I need to take his picture for you! Will try to do that... and take pictures of the flower Terry is planning on finishing up in the backyard. He has nursed 13 rose bushes through the winter and it is time to plant.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

#horsepainting  #lauriepaceart  #equineart

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist 


© Graphics One Design 2014

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