Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pink Champagne Daisies and Suceeding as an Artist, Year One - Flower Paintings by Nancy Medina

Pink Champagne Daisies
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

What on earth does a full time artist do all day? It's not all sleeping late and watching reality TV. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I watched TV. It has been years since I sat on a couch for more than three minutes. This is not whining, I'm just too excited about what's going on in the studio to sit still for more than three minutes these days! In two weeks, it will be my One Year Anniversary of my Departure From Corporate America. I clocked out. I hopped off the treadmill. I jumped off the cliff into the abyss of hopes and dreams and launched my own business. In the first 6 months, I wondered every single day if I would be able to pay the bills. I lay awake at night adding numbers in my head. The water bill, the Toyota payment. The tax bills *gulp*.

One year later, did I make it? Did I at least come close to reaching the same six-figure salary I had in corporate America? The answer is: Read more....

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