Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Demo in Portales, NM by Suzy Pal Powell

We lucked out last night and had half way decent weather to drive to Portales.  It is 100 miles.  We saw a fire on the way, just inside NM. I didn't get a very good photo, but you can see what could burn! Most of the ranchers have sold their cattle, it is so dry here..heading into a 4 year drought.

The demo went ok I guess. There is no way you can do a collage in 30-45 mins. but you can explain how you work, etc.  This demo was taking failed watercolors and collaging them.  The music scene on the bottom corner was one of those. as well as the white flower I worked on. The music is below. It was just so blah and there didn't seem to be much I could do with it.  I think the collaged one worked out much better. Has more excitement.  I left some of the watercolor showing.  The bottom right is all watercolor, and some of the piano keys are left.


The Purple top left corner was collage/watercolor and one of the ladies bought it for her Granddaughter.  We had a fun night. Great Mexican food with a good friend then an hour of art!

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