Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SOLD ~ Wind Tossed Tulips by Floral Artist Nancy Medina

Wind Tossed Tulips
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Archival Panel
Wind Tossed Tulips is one of several paintings that are new in the studio this week, as the holiday gift orders are beginning to pour in one after another. I keep telling myself this is really the first year of my absolute independent for sure business as an artist launch, so working constantly, with no days off, is acceptable, it's what a business owner does. When you really love what you do, it's almost a bit like cheating, sneaking into the studio to work, enjoying packing a painting to ship, tape gun noise and all, even enjoying gesso-ing canvases and cleaning out turpenoid cans - I love every moment of this new life! How lucky I am. I'm not even sure what I could wish for this holiday season, it seems I've been given so much already....What a year this has been. When you wish and when you dream, sometimes the answer is Yes!

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