Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mother and Child by Contemporary Texas Artist Judy Mackey

"Mother and Child"
20" x  16", Oil on Canvas
Last month, out of the blue, I received an email from someone I didn't know.  Though the email landed in my Spam Folder, I do try to do a quick check daily and that day, the title of the painting was the email Subject so I opened it.
It said:
Hi Judy.  My name is Kim Collinson and I am an artist as well.  I have only recently started painting again, but for many years I have enjoyed following artist and their work.  I just yesterday pinned your painting of "Mother & Child" on my Pinterest board "Art I Love" and in less than 24 hours 144 people have re-pinned your painting!  That truly is amazing and I thought I would share it with you.
She also wrote later to say her email box was inundated with notices from Pinterest from likes and up to 355 re-pins. Thank you, Kim, first for pinning my work and second, for taking the time to letting me know....We certainly do have angels when we aren't even aware of them!!
As you might noticed and have read in Kim's email to me, she is an artist and I think it only fair to tell you she is an artist who sells her work on Etsy - please take a look at her beautiful work:
If you are interested in purchasing a painting like "Mother and Child", please email me at  If you like my work, leave me a comment, share this blog with your friends and "Like" me on Facebook at Judy Mackey Artist - Thank you!!.

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