Monday, September 2, 2013

30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge - Day 2 - Just Passin' Thru - Nathalie Kelley

15"x22" watercolor on Arches paper

Several of my artist friends a part of
Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.
I thought I might give it a try. No painting for Day 1.
Day #1 was spent with my sweetie in the hospital.
He ended up with an angiogram and 2 stents in his heart.
We are home now. He is doing good. No damage to his heart.

So I am cheating just a bit. I painted this right before we
went to the ER. It is called "Just Passin' Thru".
The title is inspired by my friend, Renee's blog, "Just Passin' Thru"
The scissor-tailed fly catchers pass thru Texas during their migration.
They don't use birdhouses and, according to some old wives I know,
are a sure sign that  spring is here and it is safe to plant annuals.
This painting is a compilation of several photos. I was just
playing with composition.
Interested in purchasing this painting? Contact me through my blog.
My Blog
My Website

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