Thursday, August 8, 2013

Present Moment Awareness, by Theresa Bayer

Title: "Present Moment Awareness 1"
Medium: Acrylic on canvas panel
Size: 6 x 6 inches

I wrote the phrase "Present Moment Awareness" over and over on the panel, then painted on top of and around it, adding more layers of lettering where I wanted more texture. This birch plywood panel is recycled from scraps of carpentry and canvas.

Present moment awareness is where you put all your attention into what is happening right here, right now. When you do that you are in a more relaxed, alert state and can take care of the situation more easily. You're not spaced out or worried, and can flow in the moment. When I use present moment awareness in my art, I can do my very best, because I can get into the Zone and let the painting paint itself.

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